Linwood Te Aratai Foundation Charitable Trust

Over seven decades
of history

Over seven decades of our school’s history, many thousands of students have come and gone through our gates. The school has produced many fine citizens who have created successful careers, built strong relationships and cared for their families and communities. The Linwood Te Aratai Foundation Charitable Trust has now been established to enable Alumni to give back to school whānau and to support in a practical way the learning journey of today’s students.

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How can you help?

Over seven decades of our school’s history, many thousands of students have come and gone through our gates.

The school has produced many fine citizens who have created successful careers, built strong relationships and cared for their families and communities. The Linwood Te Aratai Foundation Charitable Trust has now been established to enable Alumni to give back to school whānau and to support in a practical way the learning journey of today’s students.

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What's happening? 

The Alumni of Linwood High School / College is one of Te Aratai College’s taonga / treasures

We want to keep in touch with all our past pupils, know about your achievements and provide opportunities for us to come together at significant times in our history. To do this we need to keep in contact with you. Please ensure you are enrolled on the Alumni register.